Lip Filler Mentoring
Full Day Mentoring
Service Description
Become a lip filler expert, and create beautiful, gorgeous, enviable lips. During your mentoring session you will learn how to correct asymmetric lips, restore balance and how to treat thin lips. Your session will include peri-oral anatomy review, lip assessment, common side-effects, adverse event management and six tricks for successful lips. You will gain an understanding for which techniques suit different face shapes and when to use them. The session is a must for any practitioner whishing to give their clients individualised assessments and 'bespoke' treatments such as, upturning the corners of the mouth, micro droplets, tenting, cannula, linear, Julie Horne Technique and Russian. Note: It is required that you are an AHPRA registered Medical/Nurse Practitioner or Dentist or Registered Nurse. Full Day 1-on-1 Mentoring - $1499 ($600 non-refundable deposit) Balance must be paid at least 1 week prior to your mentoring session.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
52 McDougall Street, Milton QLD, Australia